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Low FODMAP meal prep recipes

Eating well is ironically something I really struggle with as a food blogger. I am always drawn to developing sweet recipes so I end up eating a slice of cake for lunch waaaay too often. I want that to change this year which is why I am committing to weekly meal prep. With that in mind, I thought I would share these low FODMAP meal prep recipes.

A side on view of a FODMAP friendly vegetarian Shepherd's Pie baked in a skillet. The mashed potato topping is golden brown and has a wavy pattern traced in with fork prongs. It sits atop a white marble table and is surrounded by white ceramic plates, a small white ceramic salt dish and glasses of water. The background is a dark olive piece of linen

Low FODMAP meal prep recipes

These low FODMAP meal prep recipes are vegetarian or vegan. They range from grain based salads to lasagne and everything in between. I develop vegetarian and vegan recipes that are gluten free. Where possible, I also aim to include more niche dietaries, such as corn free or xanthan gum free. Every recipe I develop includes as many different substitutes as it possibly can.

More low FODMAP recipe roundups

Low FODMAP meal prep

An aerial close up of a low FODMAP quinoa and vegetable bake on a white marble table

Breakfasts and breads

Low FODMAP overnight oats

Overnight oats are a great breakfast option for busy mornings. Making them the night before saves you having to fuss around with breakfast on the day. This low FODMAP recipe uses oats and low FODMAP dairy for a creamy and simple breakfast.

Low FODMAP overnight oats
A delicious make ahead low FODMAP breakfast
Check out this recipe
An aerial image of a bowl of low FODMAP overnight oats topped with caramelised bananas and fresh blueberries. The bowl sits on a wooden table and a denim blue linen tablecloth. A hand sticks a spoon into the bowl from the bottom left hand side
An aerial image of gluten free overnight oats that have been decanted in a textured white ceramic bowl and topped with banana slices, blueberries and maple syrup. The bowl sits atop a white marble table and two sunlit water glasses sit to the top left of the image.

Gluten free overnight oats

Oats aren’t considered gluten free in Australia, so I developed this gluten free low FODMAP option as well. As easy and delicious as regular overnight oats.

Gluten free overnight oats
A gluten free, low FODMAP alternative to overnight oats.
Check out this recipe
A close up side on image of a round jar filled with gluten free overnight oats and topped with blueberries and a sprinkle of granola. The jar sits on a white marble table and a sprinkle of granola surrounds the jar.
An aerial image of a bowl of low FODMAP overnight oats topped with caramelised bananas and fresh blueberries. The bowl sits on a wooden table and a denim blue linen tablecloth. A hand sticks a spoon into the bowl from the bottom left hand side

Gluten free buckwheat bread

When you’re gluten free or in the elimination phase of the FODMAP diet (or maybe just always?) homemade bread counts as meal prep. I like to make a loaf of this at the start of the week and keep the slices in the freezer for a speedy breakfast.

Gluten free buckwheat bread
A xanthan gum free, nut free, egg free and easy gluten free loaf
Check out this recipe
A side on view of a loaf of gluten free buckwheat bread on a white marble table. The loaf has been sliced and faces the camera, revealing the fluffy inner crumb. A second loaf sits off on angle behind the loaf.
A side on view of a loaf of gluten free buckwheat bread on a white marble table. The loaf has been sliced and faces the camera, revealing the fluffy inner crumb. A second loaf sits off on angle behind the loaf.

Gluten free vegan bagels

Is there a more delicious breakfast than a bagel? I think not. These gluten free bagels are one of my absolute favourite recipes – they’re xanthan gum free, egg free, nut free and boiled in the traditional style. Make a batch at the start of the week and keep them in the fridge or freezer for a delicious breakfast.

Gluten free vegan bagels
Delicious, xanthan gum free, nut free and made the traditional way: boiling and then baking.
Check out this recipe
An aerial close up image of gluten free vegan bagels topped with low FODMAP everything bagel seasoning on a lined baking sheet
An aerial close up image of gluten free vegan bagels topped with low FODMAP everything bagel seasoning on a lined baking sheet

Gluten free buckwheat wraps

I tend to cycle through different breakfast obsessions and at the moment I’m on these wraps. They are xanthan gum free, easily vegan and have a nice little hit of protein. I keep them in the freezer and make a TikTok style egg wrap with them for a low fuss breakfast.

Gluten free buckwheat wraps
Easy and delicious 100% buckwheat wraps that freeze beautifully for meal prep breakfasts.
Check out this recipe
An aerial image of buckwheat wraps on a cooling rack atop a white marble table
A macro close up of a gluten free buckwheat wrap on a cooling rack

Gluten free buckwheat pancakes

When you’re cooking for one, all pancake recipes are meal prep recipes. I like to make a batch of pancakes and microwave them for snacks or easy breakfasts. These buckwheat pancakes are a recipe from my first buckwheat flour e-book.

A side on image of a stack of buckwheat flour pancakes on a white speckled ceramic plate atop a white stone bench top. The pancakes are golden brown and dotted with chocolate chips.

Main meals

Low FODMAP vegetarian lasagne with homemade buckwheat lasagne sheets

This lasagne is a recipe from my second buckwheat flour e-book. It is a vegetarian low FODMAP lasagne that is topped with a creamy and delicious bechamel. My favourite part about it, though, is the homemade buckwheat lasagne sheets.

The lasagne sheets themselves are vegan, xanthan gum free and even psyllium husk free. They are a simple mix of buckwheat flour, salt and water.

The perfect recipe for when you find yourself without access to gluten free lasagne sheets. That, or you’re tired of all the store bought versions curling in the oven!

An aerial view of a low FODMAP lasagne on a white marble table in contrasting sunlight. The lasagne is surrounded by glasses of water and extra plates of lasagne

Low FODMAP vegan lasagne (gluten free)

Of course, I had to include a gluten free, low FODMAP vegan lasagne for my vegan pals. This recipe freezes beautifully and makes for a fantastic meal prep option. There is potentially nothing better than finding a piece of lasagne in the freezer after a long day.

Low FODMAP, gluten free vegan lasagne
A delicious, protein filled lasagne for a whole host of dietary requirements
Check out this recipe
A FODMAP friendly vegan lasagne in a white rectangular baking dish on an olive green backdrop. A slice of the lasagne sits to the top left of the tray and a glass of water sits in the top right corner.
A FODMAP friendly vegan lasagne in a white rectangular baking dish on an olive green backdrop. A slice of the lasagne sits to the top left of the tray and a glass of water sits in the top right corner.

Low FODMAP vegetarian moussaka

Moussaka is a labour of love, so it’s a good thing this low FODMAP moussaka makes loads. The perfect low FODMAP meal prep recipe that tastes as good as any non-FODMAP version.

Low FODMAP vegetarian moussaka
A filling and delicious low FODMAP and vegetarian take on the classic.
Check out this recipe
A tray of FODMAP friendly vegetarian moussaka sitting on a light tiled surface in bright sunlight. The top of the moussaka is cheesy, golden and caramelised. Around the edges of the moussaka tray and glasses of water lit with sunlight, a plate and a white linen cloth.
A tray of FODMAP friendly vegetarian moussaka sitting on a light tiled surface in bright sunlight. The top of the moussaka is cheesy, golden and caramelised. Around the edges of the moussaka tray and glasses of water lit with sunlight, a plate and a white linen cloth.

Low FODMAP vegetarian or vegan Shepherd’s Pie

Shepherd’s Pie is one of my favourite winter dinners, so I love having this low FODMAP version on hand. It has the option to use homemade cheesy mash, non-cheesy mash (for a vegan option) or tater tots to save time. A great meal prep recipe that everyone will love.

Low FODMAP vegetarian or vegan Shepherd’s pie
A wholesome and comforting dish that can use cheesy mash, vegan mash or tater tots for the potato layer
Check out this recipe
A side on view of a FODMAP friendly vegetarian Shepherd's Pie baked in a skillet. The mashed potato topping is golden brown and has a wavy pattern traced in with fork prongs. It sits atop a white marble table and is surrounded by white ceramic plates, a small white ceramic salt dish and glasses of water. The background is a dark olive piece of linen
A side on view of a skillet of FODMAP friendly vegetarian Shepherd's Pie with a golden brown top with a wavy fork pattern on top. The pie sits on a white marble table and is surrounded by white ceramic plates, water glasses, a ceramic salt dish and a white linen tablecloth

Low FODMAP Nomato sauce

With all these tomato based recipes, I thought I should mention my low FODMAP Nomato sauce. This is a lower histamine, low fructose and tomato free alternative for any recipe that uses tinned tomatoes. I like to substitute some (or all) of the tinned tomato in some recipes for a lower FODMAP option. It is also packed with various vegetables, so it’s a great way to get more diversity in too.

Low FODMAP Nomato sauce
A tomato free, low FODMAP passata for a lower histamine alternative.
Check out this recipe
An aerial image of a white speckled ceramic bowl filled with low FODMAP Nomato sauce. The bowl sits on a white marble in bright sunlight and two glasses of water sit in the top right corner.
An aerial image of a white speckled ceramic bowl filled with low FODMAP Nomato sauce. The bowl sits on a white marble in bright sunlight and two glasses of water sit in the top right corner.

Low FODMAP vegetarian curry

I am OBSESSED with this low FODMAP vegetarian curry recipe. It is easily vegan and can adapt to any veg you choose to throw in. Place it in containers with some rice (and maybe some gluten free naan) and you have incredible meal prep for the week.

FODMAP friendly vegetarian curry
Gluten free, low FODMAP, vegan option
Serves 6-8 people
*This recipe uses Australian cups and measures. Use gram and ml for international accuracy.
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of a skillet filled with FODMAP friendly curry that has been topped with a swirl of cream. The skillet sits atop a white marble table which is surrounded by plates of curry, water glasses and a white linen tablecloth.
An aerial view of a skillet filled with FODMAP friendly vegetarian curry. The vibrant orange curry gravy is swirled with white coconut milk, creating a beautiful marbled effect. Pieces of tofu poke out from the gravy. The skillet is set on a white marble backdrop, and some glasses of water sit in the top of the image.

Low FODMAP Thai green curry

This low FODMAP Thai green curry uses a simple homemade paste for an incredibly flavoursome result. It is vegan and freezes beautifully, which makes it great for low FODMAP meal prep. I like to divide it into containers with rice for a speedy make ahead lunch or dinner.

FODMAP friendly Thai green curry
Vegan, gluten free, nut free
Serves 4-6 with rice
*This recipe uses Australian tablespoons and measures. Use ml for international accuracy.
Check out this recipe
A closeup aerial image of a speckled ceramic bowl filled with white rice and topped with a FODMAP friendly, vegan Thai green curry. The curry is adorned with lots of fresh herbs and a lime wedge, and finished with three extra slices of green chilli.
A close up aerial photo of FODMAP friendly vegan Thai curry in a wok. The curry is dotted with green beans, carrot slices and chunks of tofu, and casually adorned with lots of fresh herbs

Low FODMAP red Thai curry

Of course, there had to be a low FODMAP Red Thai curry too. This dish is just as good as the original, without the FODMAP content. I like to meal prep this with rice as above, but I also love to prep the paste to use on vegetables or in satay.

Low FODMAP Thai red curry
Vegan, gluten free, nut free
Serves 4-6 people with rice
Check out this recipe
An aerial image of a skillet filled with low FODMAP Thai red curry on a white marble table. The skillet is surrounded by two extra bowls of rice and curry and a glass of water sits to the top left of the image
An aerial image of a skillet filled with low FODMAP Thai red curry on a white marble table. The skillet is surrounded by two extra bowls of rice and curry and a glass of water sits to the top left of the image

Low FODMAP vegan chilli

If I had to choose my favourite meal prep recipe, this low FODMAP vegan chilli would probably be it. You can serve chilli on rice or quinoa, on nachos, as a chilli bowl – wherever your imagination takes you. I love having a container of this on hand to spruce up weekday lunches and dinners.

Low FODMAP vegan chilli
A vegetarian/vegan chilli that is low FODMAP and has options for a soy free or legume free protein.
Check out this recipe
A side on brightly lit view of a plate of FODMAP friendly vegetarian chilli served with salad, guacamole, a wedge of lime, some fodmap friendly 'pickled red onion', corn chips, sour cream and tomatoes. It sits atop terracotta tiles in bright sunlight, with the shadow of some palm leaves in the background of the image
An aerial close up view of a bowl of colourful FODMAP friendly vegetarian chilli. The chilli is in a beige speckled open faced ceramic bowl which sits atop a beige linen backdrop. In the bowl is rice, chilli, pickled red cabbage, corn chips, lactose free sour cream topped with chilli oil and coriander. The bowl is casually arranged

Low FODMAP ‘kind of’ daal

This daal is called ‘kind of’ daal because it takes many a liberty to taste like daal while retaining a low FODMAP serving status. It uses lots of vegetables to bulk out the dish and stretch the lentils to a low FODMAP serve. A great meal prep dish that is perfect with rice for a filling vegan lunch or dinner.

FODMAP friendly Daal (or not quite daal)
Vegan, nut free, FODMAP friendly
*Cups and measures are in Australian cups and measures. Use ml for international accuracy.
Check out this recipe
A close up aerial view of a dark ceramic bowl filled with FODMAP friendly dahl. The dahl is topped with a chilli oil tadka, fried curry leaves, chopped coriander and a bit of yoghurt. The bowl is to the right of the image and sits on a dark blue backdrop
A close up aerial view of a dark ceramic bowl filled with FODMAP friendly dahl. The dahl is topped with a chilli oil tadka, fried curry leaves, chopped coriander and a bit of yoghurt. The bowl is to the right of the image and sits on a dark blue backdrop

Gluten free, low FODMAP vegetarian ‘sausage’ rolls

These low FODMAP sausage rolls use my best friend, firm tofu, for a delicious vegetarian take on the classic. Pair that with homemade gluten free pastry and you’re in for a delicious make ahead snack or meal. I love that the tofu content gives these rolls a filling hit of protein, too. The lowest FODMAP version is a recipe in Intolerance Friendly Kitchen, but I have a vegetarian, onion and garlic free version here.

Two FODMAP friendly, gluten free and vegetarian sausage rolls stacked on top of eachother

Gluten free, low FODMAP spinach feta rolls

Spinach and feta pastizzi have a special place in my heart. They were always served at parties as a kid and I have fond, nostalgic memories of scoffing them. While I am yet to master gluten free phyllo pastry, these spinach feta rolls made with homemade gluten free puff pastry make an excellent stand in in the meantime.

FODMAP-friendly spinach feta rolls
FODMAP friendly, gluten free, nut free option, vegan option
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of a tray of gluten free spinach and feta rolls. The rolls are casually strewn in a bundle on a baking paper lined baking tray. They are golden brown and topped with toasted sesame seeds
A side on macro photo of a gluten free spinach and feta sausage roll. The roll sits atop a white marble table against a white background. Golden feta and pine nuts poke out of the filling, and the top of the pastry is sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds

Low FODMAP greens and feta pie (gluten free)

To me, pie is the absolute best way to get my greens in. This one has a spanakopita inspired flavour and is packed with greens, feta and herbs. It uses a simple gluten free yoghurt pastry that is easy to make and xanthan gum free. A slice of this with some salad for lunch and I’m good to go.

Gluten free greens pie with flaky pastry (FODMAP friendly, vegetarian)
A delicious and simple gluten free pie that is packed with vegetables and feta.
Check out this recipe
A gluten free curried vegetable pie with a pastry lattice and decorative leaf pie lid, set against a wooden backdrop
An aerial shot of a gluten free spanakopita style tart. The tart sits atop a marble and wood serving board on an olive linen tablecloth. A slice of pie has been taken from the bottom right side, revealing the marble underneath

Low FODMAP quinoa bake

This is my new favourite one pan dish that makes an easy, complete meal. Throw some rinsed quinoa, flavourings and canned beans or torn tofu in a baking dish and you’re good to go. This makes for an incredibly simple and high protein meal prep idea that you can customise as you see fit.

Low FODMAP quinoa bake
A delicious and easy meal prep that is made in a single pan.
Check out this recipe
An aerial close up of a low FODMAP quinoa and vegetable bake on a white marble table
An aerial image of a low FODMAP quinoa bake on a white marble table. A white speckled ceramic plate sits to the top left corner

Low FODMAP quinoa, pumpkin and kale salad

This quinoa salad uses Tuscan kale, roasted pumpkin, feta, toasted nuts and an optional and low FODMAP serve of raisins. It is packed full of flavour and keeps well in the fridge for days. The perfect meal prep salad.

Roasted pumpkin, quinoa, kale and feta salad
A delicious meal prep salad that keeps amazingly in the fridge.
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of a white ceramic plate topped with a roasted pumpkin quinoa salad with feta, raisins, kale and almonds. The salad sits casually arranged on the serving platter, which sits atop a white benchtop. Two serving spoons sit on the dish on the left and right sides.
An aerial view of a white ceramic plate topped with a roasted pumpkin quinoa salad with feta, raisins, kale and almonds. The salad sits casually arranged on the serving platter, which sits atop a white benchtop. Two serving spoons sit on the dish on the left and right sides.

Gluten free dumpling wrappers

I count dumplings as meal prep because of the sheer volume of dumplings this recipe makes. Paired with the low FODMAP tofu ginger dumpling filling in Intolerance Friendly Kitchen, the recipe can make 70-80 dumplings. I am obsessed with having dumplings in the freezer – they make the perfect quick lunch or dinner for busy periods.

Gluten free dumpling wrappers
Delicious vegan, gluten free and xanthan gum free dumpling wrappers.
Check out this recipe
A plate of vegan, gluten free and FODMAP friendly dumplings sit atop a white marble table. The dumplings are pleated, and drizzled with chilli oil, tamari and spring onion greens. Chopsticks rest on the edge of the plate and a small ceramic dish of spring onion greens sits to the left of the dumplings
A plate of vegan, gluten free and FODMAP friendly dumplings sit atop a white marble table. The dumplings are pleated, and drizzled with chilli oil, tamari and spring onion greens. Chopsticks rest on the edge of the plate and a small ceramic dish of spring onion greens sits to the left of the dumplings

Gluten free vegan sausages (low FODMAP)

One of my favourite recipes EVER, these low FODMAP vegan and gluten free sausages have it all. They’re simple (but fussy) to make, taste just like sausages and contain no weird ingredients. These sausages are great to have on hand for little snacks or to add a protein hit to a lunch or dinner.

Vegan, gluten free sausages
Low FODMAP, nut free, xanthan gum free, starch and grain free.
Check out this recipe
A moody side on view of a person holding out two sausage sandwiches with vegan sausages smothered in tomato sauce.
A moody side on view of a person holding out two sausage sandwiches with vegan sausages smothered in tomato sauce.

Gluten free low FODMAP vegetarian empanadas

Another recipe from my cookbook Intolerance Friendly Kitchen, these empanadas are a delicious gluten free take on the empanadas I had in Argentina. They are complete with a low FODMAP cheesy corn filling (yes, canned corn has a low FODMAP threshold!). That said, you can fill them with whatever low FODMAP filling you like. They make a great snack, lunch or dinner that freezes well, too.

An aerial image of a blue plate of gluten free empanadas on a rusty auburn backdrop. More empanadas sit on a baking tray above the plate, and a water jug sits to the bottom left of the plate.

Low FODMAP vegan peanut butter stir fry

This easy vegan peanut butter stir fry is quick, delicious and feels like more of a treat than it should. It’s packed with vegetables and has a hit of protein from the tofu. This dish makes a great lunch meal prep or a delicious dinner.

Gluten free vegan peanut butter stir fry noodles
A creamy and delicious weeknight stir fry that is vegan, low FODMAP and gluten free.
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of four ceramic bowls filled with FODMAP friendly peanut butter stir fry. The stir fry is filled with chunks of tofu and vegetables and topped with sesame seeds and spring onions. The bowls are all different colours and shapes, sitting atop a dark blue backdrop and aligned to the right of the image

FODMAP friendly vegetable tagine

This tagine could not be more packed with vegetables if it tried. It is full of flavour and uses canned chickpeas to keep the FODMAP content down. I use cooked quinoa instead of couscous to ensure it is gluten free and low FODMAP. Together, the tagine and quinoa make a delicious protein packed meal prep dish.

FODMAP friendly vegetable tagine
Vegan option, low FODMAP, gluten free
Check out this recipe
A close up of a dark ceramic bowl filled with FODMAP friendly vegetable tagine. The bowl sits atop a dark grey backdrop
An aerial sunlit view of a speckled ceramic bowl filled with FODMAP friendly vegetable tagine and quinoa topped with coriander. The bowl sits on a white stone benchtop surrounded by glasses of water and another bowl of tagine.

Low FODMAP gluten free curried vegetable pie

This low FODMAP curried vegetable pie is a recipe in my cookbook, Intolerance Friendly Kitchen. It is jam packed with delicious curried vegetables and encased in a flaky and simple gluten free pastry. You can also add some paneer (I make my own for a low FODMAP option) or tofu to add protein.

A gluten free curried vegetable pie with a pastry lattice and decorative leaf pie lid, set against a wooden backdrop

Low FODMAP vegetarian or vegan enchiladas

Is there a better meal prep recipe than enchiladas? They’re perfectly portioned, absolutely delicious and never feel boring to eat. This version uses a vegan tofu mince that is low FODMAP. Corn tortillas are fried for flexibility, then smothered in a simple cheats enchilada sauce. If you top them with vegan cheese, the whole dish is vegan. If not, it’s vegetarian.

FODMAP friendly vegetarian enchiladas
FODMAP friendly, vegetarian, gluten free, nut free, vegan adaptable
*This recipe uses Australian cups and measures. Use gram and ml for international accuracy.
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of a tray of vegetarian, FODMAP friendly enchiladas topped with sour cream and a tomato, avocado and coriander salsa. The tray sits at an angle on a dark backdrop and is surrounded by dark ceramic plates topped with enchiladas or seasonings and lime wedges.
An aerial view of a tray of vegetarian, FODMAP friendly enchiladas topped with sour cream and a tomato, avocado and coriander salsa. The tray sits at an angle on a dark backdrop and is surrounded by dark ceramic plates topped with enchiladas or seasonings and lime wedges.

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