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Low FODMAP fruits (+ recipes that use them)

Fruit can be a tricky food group to navigate on a FODMAP diet. Sometimes it feels like there’s no pattern to low and high FODMAP fruits, making it hard to follow the diet. I felt this like for a long time, so I wanted to create a resource for those in the same boat. This guide to low FODMAP fruits has been developed in accordance with the Monash FODMAP app at the time of writing. It will be updated as and when FODMAP thresholds change.

In addition to discussing the FODMAP thresholds of popular fruits, I wanted to provide recipes for each fruit. My hope is that this will give you the confidence to eat a variety of fruits with confidence while on the low FODMAP diet.

A gluten free banana cake topped with a lactose free cream cheese icing. The cake is set against a dark backdrop on a white plate. A hand extends down over the top of the image to sprinkle icing sugar onto the cake.

If you’re after more low FODMAP recipes, see:

Low FODMAP fruits

Things to consider

Firstly, I think it’s worth pointing out that Monash is an Australian entity. I couldn’t find anything concrete but I am assuming their cup measurements use Australian cups. The recipes on their site do, so I have to assume the app is no different.

This matters because it means the cups will be an inaccurate measure for people who don’t use Australian cups. You are always best using the gram weight as opposed to cup measurements.

Secondly, as always, you need only avoid fructose or a certain fruit if it gives you issues (after the elimination phase, that is). The whole point of the diet is to reintroduce as many foods as possible, so don’t let this list deter you from eating something that works for you.

Thirdly, Monash is always testing and re-testing ingredients, and these measurements are subject to change. They are accurate as of May 2024, and will be regularly updated to reflect any new changes.

An aerial close up of a gluten free blueberry cobbler topped with melting ice cream and swirls of juicy blueberries


Yes, bananas have a low FODMAP threshold. A firm common banana is low FODMAP in 100g serves per person, which is roughly 1 medium banana. A ripe common banana is low FODMAP in 35g serves, which is roughly 1/3 of a medium banana.

Sugar bananas (sometimes called Lady Fingers) are low FODMAP in 112g serves, whether they are ripe or firm. The Monash app says that firm sugar bananas are low FODMAP in serves of up to 500g, which is great news for banana lovers.


Blueberries are considered low FODMAP in 125g serves per person. However, Monash states that they remain low FODMAP in servings up to 500g per person, which is excellent news. This quantity allows for very blueberry heavy dessert recipes, including my gluten free blueberry cobbler.


Admittedly, canteloupe isn’t a fruit I regularly work with. However, it is low FODMAP in 120g serves per person, or 3/4 cup. It contains moderate fructans in serves of 150g or more. I will develop some low FODMAP canteloupe recipes at some stage, but for now, know that you can enjoy this melon on a low FODMAP diet.


Clementines don’t seem to be particularly common in Australia (although I might not be looking hard enough). As such, I don’t currently have any clementine recipes on my site. However, they are another one of our low FODMAP fruits. In fact, Monash has not detected FODMAPs in clementines, which means you can eat them with gusto.


Coconut takes a number of forms, so I have a whole post discussing the various thresholds. Here, we’ll stick to the fruitiest forms.

Fresh coconut is low FODMAP in 64g serves, which is 2/3 cup per person.

Dried and shredded coconut is low FODMAP in 30g or 1/2 cup serves per person.


Anyone who says that they don’t cumquats hasn’t tried cumquat marmalade with cheddar on toast. HEAVEN. Cumquats are low FODMAP in 76g (4 fruits) sizes when peeled, and 88g (4 fruits) sizes when unpeeled.


Common pitted are low FODMAP in 30g serves which is around 5 pitted dates. They contain moderate amounts of sorbitol and fructans when they exceed 46g serves.

Medjool dates have a low FODMAP serve of 20g, which is approximately 1 date. 40g or two serves contains moderate amounts of fructans and sorbitol.

Dragon fruit

Although writing this list has made realise I need to broaden my own low FODMAP fruit horizons, I’m pleased to say that Monash indicates 330g of Dragon fruit is a low FODMAP serve. They do not specify an upper or lower threshold.


Durian is low FODMAP in serves of up to 500g, according to Monash.


Grapefruit is low FODMAP in 80g serves per person, which is just under 1/2 a grapefruit. I love eating grapefruit as a snack, but you can also experiment with using it in my dairy free lemon curd recipe.

Ripe guava

Guava is another fruit I don’t work with often, but it is one of the great low FODMAP fruits. Interestingly, ripe guavas are low FODMAP in serves of up to 500g, while unripe guavas are only low FODMAP in 10g serves.

Honeydew melon

Honeydew melon is low FODMAP in 90g serves, or 1/2 cup per person.


Like coconut, there are a couple of different varieties of jackfruit worth discussing.

Firstly, there is canned yellow jackfruit that has been drained. This variety is low FODMAP in 45g serves or 1/3 cup per person. It contains moderate amounts of fructans in serves of 60g or more.

Secondly, there is canned young jackfruit that has been drained. This variety has only trace amounts of FODMAPs present. You can use it in my low FODMAP jackfruit taco recipe.

Kiwi fruit

There are a number of different varieties of Kiwi fruit, but all are listed as low FODMAP in 150g serves per person. This equates to 2 kiwi fruit per serve. Personally, I’m a fan of eating kiwi as a snack as opposed to cooking with them, but I’ll try and develop some kiwi recipes in the future.


Lemon juice is of course a low FODMAP fruit juice. 125ml (1/2 cup) is a low FODMAP serve. Interestingly though, it does have an upper limit! 187ml (3/4 cup) of lemon juice is considered a moderate serve of fructans. I am yet to meet a single person who could consume that in a single sitting, though.


Until writing this list, I had no idea that limes have a higher FODMAP threshold than lemons. Lime juice is low FODMAP in 250g serves, or 1 cup per person. I owe you a drink if you can consume that much lime juice in one go (perhaps a margarita?). Lime juice contains moderate fructans in serves of 300g or more.


I must admit that I don’t give mandarins the time they deserve. My preferences aside, however; mandarins are low FODMAP in 90g serves, which is roughly 1 medium fruit. They contain moderate amounts of fructose in serves of 97g or more.


If you haven’t had a mangosteen before, you are really missing out. I don’t see them often in Australia but I got into them while on holiday in Bali. National Geographic describes them as a mix of lychee, peach, strawberry and pineapple in flavour. Personally, I’d say they’re the closest a fruit comes to tasting like a lolly (candy, depending on where you’re from).

Mangosteens are considered by Monash to be low FODMAP in 48g serves (which is two medium fruit).

Mixed peel

Personally, there’s only one time of year that I care about the FODMAP content of mixed peel and that time is Easter. Mixed peel is low FODMAP in 50g serves per person, which is approximately 1/3 cup. With that said, it remains low FODMAP in serves of up to 500g.


The Monash app only has an entry of Naval oranges as of May 2024. I thought that was interesting given the varieties available, but here we are. Naval oranges are considered low FODMAP in 130g servings or 1 medium orange. It contains moderate amounts of fructose in serves of 155g or more.


A Thai papaya salad has been on my list of things to make ever since my trip to Thailand last year. Luckily for me, green papaya is low FODMAP in 140g or 1 cup serves per person. Monash says that it remains low FODMAP in servings up to 500g per person.

Yellow papaya is also low FODMAP in 140g serves and remains low FODMAP in serves of up to 500g.


Passionfruit are low FODMAP in 46g serves per person. This equates to 2 passionfruit per serve. In 100g serves or 4 medium passionfruit, they contain moderate amounts of fructans.

Prickly Pear

Most of what I know about prickly pear is in regard to it’s curative qualities for hangovers. Apparently it’s considered an invasive species in Australia, so I’ll use that as an excuse for my not knowing much about it.

Either way, prickly pear is low FODMAP in 166g serves. Monash doesn’t give an upper or lower threshold.


Persimmon is low FODMAP in 60g serves. It contains moderate amounts of fructans in serves of 65g or more.


Before we get into it: yes, I’m into pineapple on pizza. What’s good is good. Plus, if you’re a vegetarian, adding pineapple to a vegetarian pizza gives it a distinctly Hawaiian pizza twang. Great if you’re avoiding meat for ethical purposes.

Anyway! Onto the FODMAP content. Fresh pineapple is low FODMAP in 140g serves, or 1 cup. It contains moderate amounts of fructans in serves of 200g or more.

Canned pineapple in juice is low FODMAP in 97g serves. It contains moderate amounts of fructans in 107g serves.

Canned pineapple in syrup is low FODMAP in 67g serves, which is just over 1/4 cup.


Plantains are low FODMAP in 145g serves per person, but remains low FODMAP in serves of up to 500g.


Pomegranate is low FODMAP in 45g serves, which is roughly 1/4 cup per person. This makes it great for garnishing salads for a pop of colour and a hint of freshness. It contains moderate amounts of fructans in serves of 55g or more.


Raspberries are low FODMAP in 58g serves per person, which is around 1/3 cup per serve. They contain moderate amounts of fructose in serves of 75g or more.


Rhubarb is low FODMAP in 150g serves per person. This equates to approximately 1 cup of chopped rhubarb. However, it remains low FODMAP in serves of up to 500g.


Starfruit (also called Carambola) is low FODMAP in 94g servings per person, which is approximately 1 starfruit. However, it remains low FODMAP in serves of up to 500g.


Strawberries are low FODMAP in 65g serves per person, or 5 medium strawberries. In serves of 75g or more, they contain moderate amounts of fructose.

I love using strawberries in my gluten free danishes from Intolerance Friendly Kitchen.

An aerial image of gluten free fruit pastries on a lined baking sheet. The pastries are filled with custard and strawberries and the outer pastry is golden brown

Are dates low FODMAP?

Monash has recently updated their app to include medjool dates. 1 medjool date (20g) is low FODMAP. Excellent news for a little sweet treat (stuffed with peanut butter, a little dark chocolate and some flaky salt? Heaven!

As for regular dates? 30g per serve (which is around 5 dates) is a low FODMAP serve.

Are grapes low FODMAP?

Green or white seedless grapes are low FODMAP in a 32g serve per person, which is approximately 6 grapes. In 48g serves, they contain moderate amounts of fructose.

Red seedless grapes are low FODMAP in a 28g serve, which is around 6 grapes. In 42g serves, they contain moderate amounts of fructose.

Monash doesn’t specify if seeded grapes have a higher FODMAP content than seedless.

Is mango low FODMAP?

Mango is low FODMAP in 40g serves, or 1/5 cup cubed. Larger serves of 45g or more contain moderate amounts of fructose. Monash doesn’t specify whether this applies to all varieties of mangoes.

Is watermelon low FODMAP?

Watermelon is low FODMAP in 15g serves, or 1 1/2 tablespoons. In other words: not very FODMAP friendly. It contains moderate amounts of fructose in 2 tablespoon (20g) serves and above.

Low FODMAP fruit recipes


Vegan, gluten free banana bread
A gluten free and vegan banana bread with a low FODMAP option per serve
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of a loaf of gluten free banana bread atop a white marble table. The loaf is golden brown and topped with banana coins. A glass of water sits to the top right of the image, casting a light across the marble table.
Gluten free banana cake
This banana cake is gluten free and has a low FODMAP option per slice of cake. It is also vegan with the lemon drizzle icing option.
Check out this recipe
Banana protein pancakes
Gluten free and flourless banana protein pancakes that have a low FODMAP option and a SIBO bi-phasic option, too.
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of a bright blue ceramic plate topped with gluten free protein pancakes smothered in peanut butter and topped with banana coins, choc chips and maple syrup. The plate sits on a white marble table that is in filtered sunlight.
A side on view of a sliced loaf of banana bread standing upright against a dark blue backdrop. A hand extends out from the top right of the image to drizzle vegan chocolate sauce down the loaf.


Vegan gluten free blueberry muffins
Vegan, gluten free and nut free blueberry muffins that are incredibly easy to make and super customisable.
Check out this recipe
A close up of some vegan, gluten free blueberry muffins in a rustic muffin tray
Gluten free classic blueberry muffins
Buttery, rich and delicious gluten free blueberry muffins made by creaming butter and sugar together.
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of a muffin tray filled with gluten free blueberry muffins and extra blueberries. The tray sits atop a white marble table and is surrounded by water glasses and more blueberries
Gluten free blueberry cobbler
A delicious gluten free and xanthan gum free cobbler that is made with a simple mix of rice and tapioca flours.
Check out this recipe
An aerial image of a gluten free blueberry cobbler on a dark blue backdrop. The cobbler is topped with two scoops of vanilla ice cream, and one has been covered in deep purple blueberry juices
An aerial image of a gluten free blueberry cobbler on a dark blue backdrop. The cobbler is topped with two scoops of vanilla ice cream, and one has been covered in deep purple blueberry juices


low FODMAP Thai green curry
A vegan and low FODMAP curry that uses coconut milk or cream for a deliciously rich finish
Check out this recipe
A closeup aerial image of a speckled ceramic bowl filled with white rice and topped with a FODMAP friendly, vegan Thai green curry. The curry is adorned with lots of fresh herbs and a lime wedge, and finished with three extra slices of green chilli.
Grain free coconut cake
A recipe from my early days in food blogging, this coconut cake is grain free and very simple to whip up.
Check out this recipe
A close up, side on image of a grain free vanilla coconut cake topped with chocolate buttercream and sea salt flakes. The cake sits on a white marble table against a white backdrop.
A close up aerial photo of FODMAP friendly vegan Thai curry in a wok. The curry is dotted with green beans, carrot slices and chunks of tofu, and casually adorned with lots of fresh herbs


Gluten free lemon drizzle cake
A delicious and easy lemon drizzle cake that is xanthan gum free and uses only rice flour
Check out this recipe
A side on image of a gluten free lemon drizzle cake being sprinkled with icing sugar. The cake sits atop a white marble table against a black backdrop and is topped with drizzled icing and dried lemon slices. Icing sugar sprinkles down from the top of the image
Dairy free lemon curd
A delicious and super lemony dairy free lemon curd that uses coconut oil instead of butter. You can't taste the coconut oil, I promise!
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of a dairy free lemon curd tart topped with passionfruit on a white marble table. The tart has been sliced and the pieces sit slightly away from the tart. A white linen cloth sits to the right of the tart.
A side on view of a sunlit loaf of gluten free poppy seed loaf topped with lemon icing and candied lemon peel


Vegan Vietnamese inspired coleslaw with salt and pepper tofu
A fresh and delicious Vietnamese coleslaw inspired dish with a zesty lime vegan nuoc mam
Check out this recipe
A close up shot of a Vegan Vietnamese coleslaw, topped with lots of toasted peanuts, spring onion greens and a wedge of lime,
Gluten free zucchini cake with dairy free lime curd and lactose free cream cheese icing
Nigella's courgette cake revamped for the digestively challenged amongst us
Check out this recipe
A gluten free version of Nigella's courgette cake on a wooden cake stand on a marble table, against a white backdrop. The cake has two layers, separated in the middle by dairy free lemon curd, and topped with cream cheese icing and a crown of chopped pistachios
Dairy free lime curd tart with a gluten free Graham cracker style crust
A delicious mix of tart lime and warm, toasty gluten free pastry come together for the ultimate treat
Check out this recipe
An aerial image of a gluten free lime curd tart atop a white marble table. The tart is topped with thin slices of lime and surrounded by extra squeezed and whole limes
An aerial view of a gluten free lime curd top on a medium blue steel backdrop. The tart is topped with fresh slices of lime and surrounded by extra squeezed and fresh limes

Mixed peel

Gluten free sourdough hot cross buns
A delicious festive treat that stays moist for days thanks to the magic of sourdough
Check out this recipe
Gluten free sourdough hot cross buns with an optional fruitless fruit mince filling. A delicious, FODMAP friendly easter project. Recipe from | @georgeats
Vegan, gluten free hot cross buns
Vegan and gluten free hot cross buns that are xanthan gum free.
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of 9 gluten free vegan hot cross buns. The buns are strewn across a light piece of baking paper on a white marble table
A side on view of a gluten free hot cross bun. The bun sits atop a white marble table against a black backdrop. A raisin peeks out from the soft, fluffy spice dough.


Radicchio orange salad with goat’s cheese
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of a radicchio orange salad with fennel, goats cheese, chilli maple walnuts and FODMAP friendly faux pickled onion. The salad sits atop a white ceramic serving platter atop a stone backdrop bathed in sunlight. The shadows of a grassy thin leafed plant create a pattern on the stone to the top of the image
Gluten free orange upside down cake
A beautiful and fun way to use oranges for a low FODMAP dessert
Check out this recipe
An aerial view of a gluten free upside down blood orange cake. The cake sits atop a white speckle ceramic plate on a white marble backdrop. The backdrop is strewn with extra blood oranges, blood orange peel and glasses of water.
An aerial image of a radicchio, orange, fennel, goats cheese and chilli maple walnut salad on a white ceramic serving platter. The salad sits atop a beige stone backdrop which is bathed in natural light. Thin grassy leaves project their shadow in a pattern across the top of the image and down the left hand side


I like to put passionfruit on my curd tarts and cakes, but I also have a recipe for gluten free yoyo biscuits with a lime and passionfruit filling in Intolerance Friendly Kitchen.

Passionfruit curd (dairy free)
Makes approximately 2 cups (enough for 1 large tart or 1 layer cake with 3-4 layers of curd)
*Cups and measures are in Australian cups and measures. Use gram weights for international accuracy
Check out this recipe
A close up macro image of a passionfruit curd tart
A close up image of a gluten free yoyo biscuit with a lime and passionfruit filling. The yoyo sits on a white marble table against a white backdrop


Spice roasted pumpkin with preserved lemon herb sauce, pomegranates and haloumi
A bright and full flavoured low FODMAP vegetarian side dish that gets a pop of colour from pomegranates
Check out this recipe
Spiced pumpkin and halloumi salad recipe development for Country Road from
An aerial photo of a spiced pumpkin, halloumi, pomegranate and herb sauce salad on a wooden board against a wooden backdrop. A glass of water sits to the top left of the image.


Gluten free raspberry white chocolate muffins
Easy and delicious gluten free muffins studded with white chocolate and delicious raspberries
Check out this recipe
An aerial close up image of gluten free raspberry muffins topped with fresh raspberries and white chocolate chips.
Pavlova with lactose free raspberry curd and berries
A festive Australian (or Kiwi, I guess) treat that uses a lactose free raspberry curd for a beautiful low FODMAP finish
Check out this recipe
Pavlova covered in lactose free raspberry curd and lots of red berries against a black backdrop
An aerial macro shot of a gluten free brownie that is half plain and half topped with raspberries


Gluten free strawberry and rhubarb crumble
An easy gluten free and nut free crumble that is very easily made vegan, too
Check out this recipe
An aerial shot of a bowl of gluten free fruit crumble, made with berries. A scoop of melting vanilla ice cream sits alongside the crumble in a white ceramic bowl atop a white marble table. Two other plates of crumble surround the central bowl
An overhead shot of a gluten free rhubarb and strawberry crumble topped with melting homemade vanilla ice cream.


Gluten free strawberry cobbler
A delicious and buttery gluten free strawberry cobbler. I developed this recipe before the FODMAP threshold was lowered for strawberries. I recommend using 1/2 rhubarb or blueberries if you react to fructose.
Check out this recipe
An aerial image of a gluten free strawberry cobbler in a white rectangular baking dish atop a pale pink linen backdrop.

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