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Ninja Creami watermelon sorbet

We have had a few warmer days recently in Melbourne and it is getting me excited for summer. In honour of the warmer months, I developed this easy recipe for a Ninja Creami watermelon sorbet. It’s fresh, light, perfectly sweet and ideal on a hot day.

Ninja Creami watermelon sorbet

This Ninja Creami sorbet uses three or four simple ingredients; watermelon, lime juice (and zest, if you like) and agave syrup, which form the base of the sorbet. A small amount of xanthan gum is the optional fourth ingredient that transforms the sorbet into a creamy yet fresh treat.

This sorbet is dairy free, vegan and contains only a small amount of agave syrup as the sweetener. It is the perfect fresh summer treat and an easy way to use up watermelon.

A side on image of a tub of Ninja Creami watermelon sorbet on a terracotta tile backdrop. A sunlit glass of water sits in the top left corner

Recipe notes

First, let’s discuss the xanthan gum. Although xanthan gum doesn’t agree with everyone (myself included) there is no denying that it is an incredibly handy ingredient in Ninja Creami recipes. It is particularly handy in recipes that are low calorie, low fat or low sugar, because it replaces some of the creaminess and viscosity that are associated with traditional ice cream.

I have tested this recipe with and without xanthan gum and both work nicely. The version without xanthan gum has a slightly more icy texture, akin to a sorbet or a slushy. The version with xanthan gum has more of that chewy, creamy texture that you get from ice cream or higher sugar sorbet. I also noticed that the version with xanthan gum didn’t separate into juice and solids.

With all that said, both recipes work and are delicious. It’s a matter of preference and what works for your diet.

I realise that not everybody has scales that are capable of measuring 1 or 1.5g worth of powder, so I have tested the best way to measure out xanthan gum using measuring spoons.

For 0.5g, use a scant 1/8th teaspoon. Measure it by lifting the teaspoon out of the powder and shaking off excess. Don’t scoop the spoon against the side of the packaging to compress the powder down – you will get too much xanthan gum using this method. If your teaspoons don’t have a 1/8th spoon, use a 1/4 teaspoon and only fill it 1/3 of the way with powder.

For 1g, use 1/4 teaspoon. Measure it by lifting the teaspoon out of the powder and shaking off excess. Don’t scoop the spoon against the side of the packaging to compress the powder down – you will get too much xanthan gum using this method

An aerial image of a tub of fresh spun watermelon Ninja Creami sorbet

Other suggestions for your watermelon sorbet

Watermelon is one of those ingredients that goes with so many different things. Some suggestions for your sorbet:

  • Add some tajin for a slightly spicy, acidic twist. You may need to add a bit more agave syrup to compensate for the acidity in the tajin.
  • A little bit of tamarind would add a lovely sour component. Again, assess the sweetness to make sure it is sweet enough.
  • A grating of makrut lime zest would add a lovely new layer of flavour to your sorbet. I buy them when they are in season and keep them in the freezer for when I need some zest.
  • I have not tried herbs in a Creami, but watermelon and mint is a classic flavour combination.
  • A small amount of coconut yoghurt or coconut cream would add a nice tropical and extra creaminess. Use 50g less watermelon to compensate for the extra volume.
  • You could use this recipe as a base for a watermelon slushie margarita.
A brightly lit image of a tub of Ninja Creami watermelon sorbet against a light brown speckled backdrop

More Ninja Creami recipes

A brightly lit aerial image of a tub of Ninja Creami watermelon sorbet. The tub sits atop a white speckled ceramic plate and sunlit glasses of water sit in the background

Ninja Creami watermelon sorbet

Vegan, gluten free
Be the first to rate this recipe
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Freezing 1 day
Course Dessert, Sweet
Cuisine Ninja Creami recipes
Servings 1 X 470ml tub


For the watermelon sorbet:

  • 400 g watermelon, chopped into small cubes
  • 50-75 g light agave syrup, to your tastes
  • 25 g lime juice (or more, to your tastes)

Optional ingredients:

  • Lime zest, to your tastes
  • tiny pinch fine salt
  • 1 – 1.5g xanthan gum (optional, see notes)


  • Blend all the ingredients (including optional ingredients, if you are using them) until completely smooth.
  • Decant the mixture into your 470ml Ninja Creami tub. Make sure it doesn't exceed the fill line. Freeze with the lid off for 16-24 hours.
  • When ready to consume, process the ice cream on the gelato function. I had to re-spin it once or twice in most of my tests.
  • Return leftovers to the freezer with the lid on. When ready to consume, re-spin on the gelato function. While most Ninja Creami leftovers don't need re-spinning, I find sorbets benefit from it.


  • See notes in the body of the post for more information on using xanthan gum.
  • You can use either the gelato or sorbet functions (or any ice cream function, really). Whether it is just a one off or not, I noticed my machine processed this recipe in a sluggish way on the sorbet function, which is why I switched to the gelato function. 
Keyword Ninja Creami sorbet, Ninja Creami sorbet recipes, Ninja Creami watermelon sorbet, Vegan Ninja Creami recipes
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